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Dunk Tank

Dunk Tank

Hit the target and dunk the good sport sitting on the seat.

Perfect for those hot summer days, and hugely successful at fund raising events, the Dunk Tank offers hours of enjoyment as the willing victim is seated on a board directly over a tank of water waiting behind a safety shield while his friends and enemies alike line up to have a chance to throw the ball at the target that will drop out his seat beneath him to send him plunging into the water. Filling the Dunk Tank usually takes about 45 minutes, and access to a water source with a connected hose within reach of the Dunk Tank's set up location at your event is required.

Standard rentals are four hours or less, for longer rentals please call us.

Set Up Area
Art Style
6 x 14 x 10
500 Gallons
Number of Lanes
Electrical Needs


Extension cord use approved
Price Per Hour

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